suoi principali interessi riguardano l’epigramma greco e latino,
letterario ed epigrafico (dalle origini fino ad Ausonio),
l’elegia ellenistica e romana, la
Appendix Vergiliana
e il dramma senecano.
Ha organizzato diversi Convegni
internazionale, pubblicandone gli Atti (
An Excellent Foreigner: Titus at the Sanctuary of the Paphian Aphrodite
Alessandra Bravi
visit to the sanctuary of Paphian Aphrodite had great strategic
significance for Titus’ rise to power. The repercussions
produced in the concrete field of monuments erected to glorify
the new dynasty were perceptible to visitors from all over the
world who came to Rome and visited the great complex dedicated
to the Pax oecumenica
by the Flavians. The presence of Venus, who in Roman culture has
deep ties with Pax, is manifested in the sacred garden structure
of the Templum Pacis.
Pliny mentions a statue of this goddess in the visual display of
this sanctuary. Figures of her retinue, such as the
Pseliumene by Praxiteles, were also set up in this area. The
presence of the goddess of love is implied also by the garden
provided with water canals and flowerpots filled with Gallic
roses, probably sacred to Venus. These planting pots recalled
the sacred garden of Aphrodite:
a recondite space, built through images of the world of
Aphrodite, the smells of trees, the open sky: it conveyed the
sense of a sacred space which was perceived in the oldest
sanctuaries of Aphrodite: “Going to
Cyprus she entered the sweet-smelling temple / in Paphos, where
are her temenos and fragrant altar”.