suoi principali interessi riguardano l’epigramma greco e latino,
letterario ed epigrafico (dalle origini fino ad Ausonio),
l’elegia ellenistica e romana, la
Appendix Vergiliana
e il dramma senecano.
Ha organizzato diversi Convegni
internazionale, pubblicandone gli Atti (
Cyprus in exemplis: Cypriot
Episodes as Narrated by Valerius Maximus
Margot Neger
The chapter investigates the depiction of Cyprus and its
inhabitants in the Facta
et dicta memorabilia of Valerius Maximus. Various anecdotes
playing on Cyprus recur throughout the collection in different
contexts. The single
exempla mentioning Cyprus on the one hand are closely linked
with the other anecdotes belonging to the same thematic heading,
and on the other hand form a thematic cycle themselves which
spans the nine books of Valerius’ work. Within this cycle,
Valerius presents Cyprus from three perspectives: 1) Cyprus’
connection with someone’s death, 2) the annexation of Cyprus by
Cato the Younger, 3) Cyprus as a place of luxury and decadence.
Rather than offering a nuanced depiction of the island, Valerius
paints an image in black and white in order to dramatize events
and create more pointed narratives. He constructs a Cyprus which
represents Eastern decadence as opposed and inferior to Roman