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 I suoi principali interessi riguardano l’epigramma greco e latino, letterario ed epigrafico (dalle origini fino ad Ausonio), l’elegia ellenistica e romana, la Appendix Vergiliana e il dramma senecano.

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Prostitution in Ancient Cyprus, the Myth of the Propoetides in Ovid’s Metamorphoses and the Perpetuation of a Stereotype

Spyridon Tzounakas




This study examines certain ancient sources that mention prostitution in Cyprus, focuses on how this idea became established in Latin literature, and argues that historical facts aside, it was the existence of such Latin accounts that primarily contributed to the entrenchment of the promiscuous Cypriot woman stereotype. Special emphasis is given to the account of Justin and to the myth of the Propoetides, as this is described in the 10th book of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. As I argue, despite its short length, the myth of the Propoetides greatly influenced later writings which explored the loss of modesty (pudor), especially that of a heroine, while at the same time contributing to the entrenchment of the stereotype in question. Finally, this chapter discusses how the particular stereotype was exploited in various ways by travel writers within the context of their respective aims.



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