suoi principali interessi riguardano l’epigramma greco e latino,
letterario ed epigrafico (dalle origini fino ad Ausonio),
l’elegia ellenistica e romana, la
Appendix Vergiliana
e il dramma senecano.
Ha organizzato diversi Convegni
internazionale, pubblicandone gli Atti (
Pygmalion’s Inspiration and Pygmalion as Inspiration
Sophia Papaioannou
The chapter discusses Ovid’s treatment of the Hesiodic myths of
Prometheus and Pandora in the story of Pygmalion and his ivory
maiden. The latter, deprived of speech and the ability to think,
stands as the perfect ‘anti-Pandora’. Pygmalion’s blurring of
the boundaries between reality and art, makes him a
representative case of the creator who fails to acknowledge that
art cannot and does not mean to replicate nature but only to
interpret it, because he sees his work as an extension of
himself. His case is contextualized, further, inside a set of
stories about artists obsessed with verisimilitude, and engages
in discourse with the aesthetics of Hellenistic art and the
art-vs.-nature binary. The last part of the chapter discusses
the politics of artistic verisimilitude in relation to the Roman
ritual of the parade of the
imagines during the
Roman aristocratic funerals.